Tag Archives: Children

My birthday is getting closer, mommy!

October 2: week 28

Whoa!  I’ve had trouble with my balance but it is getting better.  I’m going to be in my first Life Chain today.  The cars might not notice me but my mom will.  Not much room to wave in here, but my eyes are opening, so I guess I’ll just practice blinking at everyone.  I weigh about 2 pounds.  Mom’s talking about different names for me.  Hey, mom, how about Chris?

October 9:  week 29

I am about 14 inches tall now and growing really fast.  I try to stretch out and mom can feel me move about.  You could hear my heartbeat if you put your ear on my mommy’s tummy.  If I were born now, I’d have an 85% chance of survival because my lungs have been getting stronger.  Sometimes mom has a craving.  I really like the ice cream; pickles, not so much.

October 16: week 30

I have doubled in size over the last 4 weeks and it is really getting cramped in here.  I don’t have as much room to do my exercises.  My muscle tone is better, though, and my body is filling out with baby fat.  I have nice fine hair growing on my head.  I can recognize my mom’s voice.  I know that she is feeling a lot of aches and pains and discomfort, but she knows that she will be seeing me real soon.

October 23: week 31

I must be getting younger.  The wrinkles that I had everywhere are slowly disappearing.  I used to have a big head, but now that I’m gaining weight, my body is catching up.  I can move my eyes, but it is still pretty dark in here.  I can hear my mom.  I can’t wait to see her.

October 30: week 32

I weigh three pounds now and will gain about a half pound each week until birth.  It’s really cramped now, so I have assumed the “fetal” position.  I can see, but I don’t have 20/20 vision.  In fact, I won’t have 20/20 vision until I’m about 7 years old–hopefully.  Mom is pretty uncomfortable right now.  When she sleeps on her side, I really like snuggling into the mattress.

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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, Family, fetal development, Georgia Right to Life, Life Chain, Parenting, personhood, Pregnancy, Sanctity of Life

Chris is “bulking” up!

September 4th:  Week 24

I have fine hair all over my body that is there to protect my skin.  I will lose this before being born.  I’m a little thin at this point but am putting on more baby fat.  My eyes are formed, but my iris has no color.  I think I want brown eyes.  I weigh over a pound and am about a foot long.  If I was born today, I’d have a fighting chance to survive. (about 50%)

September 11:  Week 25

I’m really beginning to bulk up.  I gained 6 ounces this week!  I think most of it was muscle but also some bone mass and some organ development.  My taste buds allow me to distinguish between bitter, sweet and sour.  My lungs have developed so well, I’m now officially considered viable.  I could live outside my mom.  My parents have each contributed 15,000 genes that determined not only what I look like, but how I taste stuff, how athletic I will be, any allergies I might have and so much more.  Ain’t genes great!!  Especially if my dad is an athlete.  Tee-hee-hee.

September 18:  Week 26

Thousands and thousands of brain cells are growing in my head every day.  That’s very cool.  I’ll soon have billions of them.  I can make a fist and grasp things.  My spine is beginning to form to protect my spinal cord.  I’m covered by a white cheesy substance that protects my skin.  But, don’t worry, Mom, it comes off right after birth.  Mom can also tell when I have the hiccups.

September 25:  Week 27

My taste buds continue to form.  I can taste sweet things now.  My mom likes chocolate and so do I!  A bright light can be seen by me through my mommy’s tummy.  I have eyelashes and eyebrows, now.  My fingerprints are fully formed and they are growing.  I might need them clipped when I’m born.  Mom’s womb is about the size of a soccer ball.  Can I call her my “Soccer Mom?”

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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, Family, fetal development, Georgia Right to Life, Marriage, personhood, planned parenthood, Pregnancy, Sanctity of Life

Time to Look in on Chris.

June 5: Week 11  The most critical part of Chris’ development is now complete.  Now Chris enters into a period of rapid growth.  Eyelids fuse closed and won’t reopen again until about 26 weeks.  Eye color is already determined and Chris can squint and swallow.  Chis is over an inch long and is moving quickly about the womb.  Mother’s waistline is starting to disappear.

June 12: Week 12  Chris is almost 2 inches long now.  Fingers and toes are separated.  Chris could easily stand on Dad’s little finger nail.  Chris’ feet are the size of the Precious Feet pins that have become the symbol of the pro-life movement.  Finger nails and hair are starting to grow.  The placenta is now proving nutrition from Mom.  Chris likes pizza!

June 19:Week13  Chris now sleeps, awakens, and exercises the muscles energetically (we could take some lessons from him.)  He turns his head, curls his toes, makes a fist, opens and closes his mouth while “breathing” the amniotic fluid to help develop his respiratory system.  Chris is very active.  However he is still a lightweight – weighing about one ounce – about as much as a letter.  If the doctor uses a Fetal Doppler, it won’t be the weather that is seen, but Chris’ heartbeat which sounds like galloping horses.

June 26: Week 14  Chris now has teeth buds for all 20 teeth.  Teething will come later.  He is almost 3 inches long and weighs in at one ounce.  Chris is still exercising and practicing his “breathing.” All Chris’ nourishment is now coming through the placenta.  Vocal cords begin to form and although they may not be ready for a rock band, Chris will use them immediately following birth for that first cry!  Now mom usually feels better and has more energy.  She’s spreading the Good News.



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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, Family, fetal development, Georgia Right to Life, Marriage, Parenting, personhood, Pregnancy, Sanctity of Life

Looking in on Chris: How is he doing?

May 8th:  Week 7  Chris’ brain waves can now be detected.  Wonder what Chris is dreaming?  Did you know that over the remaining months, Chris’ brain will develop over 100 billion neurons?  The brain begins to control movement of muscles and organs.  The nose is developing and the eyes darken as pigment is produced.  The mother has probably confirmed that she is pregnant.

May 15th:  Week 8  Chris begins to move.  Chris’ arms are bending and flexing like a child taking a Karate class.  Fingers are developing and will soon become Chris’ first toy.  Chis started swimming and can do a mean backstroke.  Chris is also doing back flips–getting ready for the 2018 Olympics.  The mother may have to buy some Clearasil.

May 22nd: Week 9  Chris is a little under an inch long.  Chris’ name changes from embryo to fetus, which is Latin for “young one.”  Everything is now present that would be found in a fully developed adult.  If Chris would have kept growing all 9 months as fast as this second month, Chris would have been born as big as two overfed elephants.  Whew!  Thankfully, development slows down.

May 29th:  Week 10  Chris’ fingerprints are already evident.  The fingers can curve around an object placed in the palm.  Chris is having a wonderful time wriggling, shifting, dancing and playing with the toys in the womb–other fingers, toes, nose, ears — such fun!  If only we had a window to the womb.  The mother is coping with many changes–nurturing a baby is hard.

“You know me through and through, from having watched my bones take shape when I was being formed in secret. . .”  Ps 139:15

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Filed under abortion, adoption, anti-abortion, eugenics, Family, Georgia Right to Life, Parenting, personhood, Pregnancy, Sanctity of Life

Defending Chloe’s Existence.

“I did however say this award was bittersweet, and it is sad to receive an award for defending the very existence of your child and those like her!  Imagine if 90%+ children with brown hair and brown eyes were identified, targeted and eliminated prenatally and you were the proud, loving parent of one of the few survivors. Would you fight to defend your child and let the world know what a gift and Blessing your child is?”

Continue reading Kurt Kondrich’s article here.

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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, discrimination, Downs Syndrome, eugenics, Family, Parenting, personhood, Peter Singer, Quality of Life, Sanctity of Life

What needs eradicating?

by Kurt Kondrich

Kurt Kondrich & his beautiful daughter Chloe

“The only disease that needs to be “eradicated” is the culture of death we live in with its twisted mandates for perfection. If Down syndrome is a disease then the world needs to catch the symptoms and spread them quickly — unconditional love, purity, innocence, honesty, and an incorruptible spirit of Light!”

Read the rest of the story, here.

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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, Birth Control, catholic, discrimination, Downs Syndrome, eugenics, Family, Georgia Right to Life, Parenting, personhood, Quality of Life, Sanctity of Life

“Incorruptible — Why the devil uses abortion to eliminate Down syndrome”

By Kurt Kondrich

In the fictional novel “The Clowns of God” by Morris West, Jesus comes back to earth, and some people think it’s Him while some don’t. At one point, Jesus is at a school for children with Down syndrome, and He is holding a little girl. Jesus says:

“I know what you are thinking. You need a sign. What better one could I give but to make this little one whole and new? I could do it, but I will not. I am the Lord and not a conjurer. I gave this mite a gift I denied to all of you — eternal innocence. To you she looks imperfect — but to me she is flawless, like the bud that dies unopened or the fledgling that falls from the nest to be devoured by ants. She will never offend me, as all of you have done. She will never pervert or destroy the work of my Father’s hands. She is necessary to you. She will evoke the kindness that will keep you human. Her infirmity will prompt you to gratitude for your own good fortune… More! She will remind you every day that I am who I am, that my ways are not yours, and that the smallest dust mite whirled in the darkest spaces does not fall out of my hand… I have chosen you. You have not chosen me. This little one is my sign to you. Treasure her!”

To continue reading, click here.

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Filed under abortion, discrimination, eugenics, Family, Georgia Right to Life, personhood, Quality of Life, Sanctity of Life, Uncategorized

Men Regret Lost Fatherhood

See the video from Human Life International, here.

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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, Men and Abortion

A Christian Voter Asks Scripture’s Daniel for Advice

Dear Daniel,

There has been a lot of heated discussion within our home regarding Christian civic responsibility.  How I wish I could talk to you face to face and hear your perspective on these issues.  You were a brilliant man, full of wisdom, courage and diplomacy.  During the long years you spent working within the Babylonian and Persian governments you displayed an unswerving commitment to our God.  Surely you could  give me some guidance.   In reading the account of your life one thing is clear: you would never advocate compromising ethical standards to promote a “greater good”.  Nor would you let yourself be drawn in to the particular idolatry of your age.

Surely your participation in the Babylonian government provided protection for the innocent and you probably became an advocate for your people exiled in a strange country.  It is easy to see that you were not ambitious for personal power or glory, but the honor of God and His glory were uppermost in your motives.  You were not afraid or intimidated by wicked men or wild beasts, but were bold to point out to despotic rulers the inevitable consequences of their evil deeds.  Your participation within an evil system brought a measure of security and justice to the innocent in that society and, more importantly,  glory to God.

It is impossible for me not to view current political issues through the grid of my own life experience.  When I ponder the subject of socialism, immediately the contrast between North and South Korea (my birthplace) comes to mind.  Both countries could be considered socialistic, but the differences in living conditions and freedoms between the two are overwhelming.

North Korea is a very dark country- dark from satellite view and very dark spiritually. If I were a North Korean homemaker I would have gotten up this morning off a hard floor, facing a day of brutally hard work, deprivation, and hopelessness.  My children would likely be half-starved and sick from drinking muddy, bacteria-ridden water, with little energy or motivation to play or learn due to malnutrition and lack of opportunity. I would be tempted to severe anxiety for my children, wondering what we were going to eat, wear, or whether we would survive when the bitter North Korean winter hit. If a soldier thought my daughter was beautiful and wanted to “have” her or my husband wanted to sell her into prostitution I would have little recourse.  Any attempt to evangelism or worship (unless it was a government monitored service) would probably mean imprisonment or death. As a North Korean citizen I must always show respect to the “dear and noble leaders”, one of whom is already in Hell.

In contrast, the South Korean homemaker rises (like myself) in a comfortable temperature-controlled home.  She and her family will have plenty of light, food, clean water, and clothing.  They actually might dicker over what they wanted for breakfast or even whether they are hungry enough to eat at all.  She and her husband might have a thriving business and a comfortable car which takes them along newly-paved roads through prosperous villages and countrysides, dotted here and there with pretty churches.  She can, without fear, rear her children, take them to church, and share the gospel with her neighbors.  When her children are sick, good medical help is available.

How can there be such a contrast between the two countries which share a common history?  I would like to think that it is because the gospel has shown into the lives of the South Korean people and because they chose to adopt a governmental structure  modeled after that of the United States.

The United States, like South Korea, could easily be defined as a socialist country.  Anyone can see that we have been and continue to descend into an abyss of government control.  But I would much rather live in the US than North Korea.  There is still a striking difference between the countries.  The blessings we enjoy ultimately come from God our heavenly father.  But my understanding is that we are also blessed because our forefathers were faithful  and structured a government that reflected(not perfectly) the principles they saw revealed in Scripture.  We are losing, but still retain many of the freedoms that others do not have.

Daniel, you were a man of fasting and prayer.  Some of our greatest weapons are  prayer and evangelism through the Word.  Ultimately the world must be changed through the gospel-change of hearts.  But don’t you think it is irresponsible and ungrateful  not to participate in a governmental process handed down to us through our faithful forefathers as an out working of their understanding of Holy Scripture.  Shouldn’t Christians participate while they still can exert even a little influence.  I am reminded of what was accomplished by the power of God through the obedience of a few men during Gideon’s time.  What is the saying? “All that is necessary for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.” To retreat and do nothing is to expedite the descent into tyranny.  I don’t want to live in a North Korea.

Twenty-three years ago a friend and I were arrested in front of an abortion clinic for trying to give literature to women going in for abortions.  We had been standing on city right- of -way and were within our legal rights. Unfortunately, our appointed judge was a committed feminist.   Later, during court proceedings, the attorneys were interviewing prospective jurors. At least one pro-life Christian asked to be excused from jury duty.  I wish she had stayed and participated.  If she had, we probably wouldn’t have been convicted.

Daniel, you were not the only man in the Scripture who faithfully participated within the corrupt social structure of his day. I am reminded of Hananiah, Mishael,  Azariah, the godly kings and judges of Israel, Nehemiah, Ezra and others.  Sometimes I observe  those of my particular theological “camp” -alongside their legitimate desire for doctrinal purity – refuse to work with others who are not perfect in their political views.  Do you think that working alongside such people constitutes an “unholy alliance”?  Or are we so perfectionistic  and demanding of others that we are paralyzed  in our ability to serve the Lord and work for good in our society.  Many will not accept any kind of incremental effort toward good.  What is wrong with incrementalism as long as ethical compromises are not made?  I must work incrementally with my children toward their sanctification.  How glad I am that God works incrementally with me!

Daniel, would you argue that the qualifications for a civil leader should be identical to those of a church leader?  If so, then there are only a few we could legitimately support.  I myself could never support any candidate who would not chose to protect innocent human life. Nor could I support a woman who would desert her little children to serve political office.  What qualifications should one look for?  Where do we draw the line?

If God wills, this Sunday morning our family will rise after a comfortable nights sleep to a satisfying breakfast (if they want it at all).  We will choose from a variety of nice clothes, board a comfortable air conditioned van and drive to our church to worship and listen to the precious Word preached – without fear or physical discomfort.  The only obstacle we have to sharing the gospel is our own cowardice or lack of love.  I often take these blessings for granted.  I know it is pleasing to the Lord to assemble together on Sunday. I know what is appropriate for Sunday.  But …Tuesday is voting day …

Unlike North Korea, many will go to the polls unhindered and unafraid.  Is it an exercise in futility, or worse, a compromise to participate in an evil system?  The Scripture says, “when the wicked rise in power, men hide themselves”  If I do not vote am I hiding myself and is that not shirking my responsibility?    Scripture also says,” a wise man is he who listens to counsel.”   Daniel, I wish you could give me some guidance  – where is my thinking wrong?  And…

Daniel … what should I do on Tuesday?


A Christian registered to vote in Forsyth County

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Filed under 2010 Georgia Primary, elections, georgia, voting

Will You Pray for Georgia for the Next 12 days?

“To get  nations back on their feet, we must get down on our knees first.”

We are less than two weeks away to the July 20th elections. With each vote we have the opportunity to make a vote that is principled or one that is led by the political wind of the day.

2 Chronicles 7:13-14 states, “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

We are encouraging citizens in Georgia to join Georgia Right to Life for the next 12 days to pray specifically for the elections and to humble yourself before God. We want men and women in office who see each human being as intrinsically valuable.

Below are some prayer points for you to follow in your daily times of prayer:

Day 1: Personal Preparation Psalms 51

Day 2: God’s Ability to Help Us- Psalm 77:7-15

Day 3: For the Church to Recognize Its Responsibility- Matthew 5:13-16

Day 4:For God to Open the Eyes of Our Fellow Georgians- Psalm 73

Day 5: Revival and Spritual Awakening- Psalm 85:6-13

Day 6: God’s Intervention to Turn the Tide- 2 Chronicles 7:12-15

Day 7: Confusion and Corruption- Isaiah 3:12-13

Day 8: The Killing of the Unborn- Psalms 139:13-16

Day 9: For Every Person in Georgia to Realize They are Created in God’s Image- Genesis 1:26-27

Day 10: For the Church and Our Leaders to Wake Up to the Call to Adoption-James 1:27

Day 11: For Revival Worldwide- Psalms 117

Day 12: Praise God for What He Will Do- Psalms 149

These prayer points were adapted from Intouch Ministries 140 Days of Intercession for America prayer points. You can visit www.intouch.org for the full list of prayer points until the general election in November.


Filed under abortion, georgia, Georgia Right to Life, personhood