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2011 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Syndey Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 12,000 times in 2011. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 4 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

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The Final Countdown!

December 5, Week 37:  Only 3 more weeks and I will have my birthday.  I’m filling out now–absorbing about a gallon of amniotic fluid each day.  My cheeks have fat and muscle in them.  I’m a little plump.  I weigh 6 pounds and am 20 inches tall.  I’m ready for a picture, Mom.

December 11, Week 38: Mom, better pack those bags.  Although, I think I will be born right on time.  I’ve stepped up practicing my breathing.  My lungs are just about ready.  It’s only a matter of a few days, and they’ll be fine.  And, Mom, don’t forget the camera.

December 19, Week 39:  It’s really crowded in here and it’s very hard for me to move.  Even the umbilical cord is 20 inches long and about 1/2 inch thick.  However, I’m moving down, Mom.  I am so ready!  I bet you are, too.  I know you must be tired of going to the bathroom every two minutes.

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LIFE CHAIN: This Sunday

This Sunday marks the 24th annual National Life Chain in more than 1,800 locations throughout the United States.  Most Life Chains occur from 2 to 3 p.m.

(Need to find a location or a time in Georgia: See

National Life Chain is a silent witness of the Christian community standing in honor of 54 million babies whose lives have been lost to abortion.”  Everyone of all ages can participate in their local Life Chain.

Pro-life advocates will line the streets and sidewalks with signs like, “Abortion Kills Children”,” Pray to End Abortion” and “Abortion Hurts Women.” The National Life chain serves to remind people of all faiths that abortion destroys the lives of the unborn – and forever scars their mother.

More information can be found at

Here in Georgia, there are stories that reflect the positive effect of the life chain.  The most memorable is what happened in Savannah about 10 years ago.

A young woman who drove past the Life Chain in Savannah saw the prayerful participants and their signs.  She decided not to have an abortion. Visiting with Life Chain coordinators last year, she said, “This is who I would have aborted ten years ago if you hadn’t been here.”

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Heh, there. Look at me. I’m getting to be a big boy!

August 7th, Week 20:  If you were to shine a very bright light on my mother’s abdomen, I might slowly move my hand in front of my eyes.  If you make a very loud noise, I just might cover my ears.  But I can also her my mom’s voice and when she sings a lullaby, it soothes me and helps me sleep.  My private parts are clearly visible now, but NO peeking; after all, I’m naked.  And I have a right to privacy, too.  I hope mom is feeling me kick and remembering her prenatal vitamins.

August 14, Week 21:  Hair is starting to grow on my head.  I wonder if I’ll have my dad’s color.  He’s a cool red-head.  I am 20 weeks old now and in another 20 weeks I will be born.  Half-way there.  Yeh!  My legs are getting stronger.  I sleep in the same position now.  I’m over 6 inches tall when I stretch out, and I weigh over 10 ounces.  If mom lies quietly on her back, locates her own heartbeat by finding her pulse, then lays her hand on her belly, she can distinguish her heartbeat from mine.  My heart pumps about 6 gallons of blood every day.

August 21, Week 22:  My tongue is fully formed now.  I’m practicing making noise so I can give people raspberries.  I can hear noises from outside.  Some loud ones scare me.  I know mom’s voice, though, and really like the music she listens to.  I now have fingernails and fingerprints.  I’m not as little as I used to be.  If I could stand up straight, I would be 10 inches long.  Mommy doesn’t know that I’m a boy yet!  She’s waiting to find out.

August 28, Week 23:  I can hear mom’s conversations more clearly now.  I can hear her read, sing, and talk.  I like to kick back, suck my thumb, and listen to her read to me.  My eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed.  My fingernails have grown to the end of my fingers.  I’m going to be very smart because my brain is growing very fast.  I weigh almost a pound.  And, dad, talk to me, too.  I can here you even better than mom.

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Abortion Foes Push to Redefine Personhood

Last year’s GOP takeover of the U.S. House and statehouses across the country
has dramatically changed the shape of the nation’s abortion debate. It has also
given a boost to an even more far-reaching effort: the push to legally redefine
when life itself begins.

The question being raised in legal terms is: When does someone become a
person?  Read more here




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Third Annual Pageant! Register Soon

The third annual Miss Right to Life of Georgia pageant will be held at the John S. Burd Center in Gainesville July 29-30th, 2011. Miss Right to Life of Georgia is the very first and only Right to Life benefit pageant in the country!

The pageant is open to young women ages up to 22 years old living in the state of Georgia. These young women not only receive the chance to serve as a reigning queen for a year, but are also encouraged to use their platform to nurture pro life values in girls their age, as well as give back to their community.

Contestants not only compete on stage, but also with a personal interview that gives light to their genuine pro life beliefs. The college aged winner will also receive a $500 college scholarship. As well as raising money for such a worthy cause, last year’s participants volunteered over one hundred hours of community service giving back to the elderly, disabled, and others in need.

It is vital for us all to realize that pro life youth are on the rise! In its’ first two years, Miss Right to Life has had over 90 young women throughout the state of Georgia join the organization and raised thousands of dollars for Georgia Right to Life. As adults, we are responsible for providing them with opportunites to share their heart with others. These young women will surely flourish if surrounded by a sisterhood that all share one thing…. their belief in the RIGHT TO LIFE!

Registration ends July 11th. For information on registration guidelines or sponsorship opportunites, please visit our website:
Or contact Pageant Director, Amy Brown

Amy Brown
Pageant Director

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Third Annual Pageant!

The third annual Miss Right to Life of Georgia pageant will be held at the John S. Burd Center in Gainesville July 29-30th, 2011. Miss Right to Life of Georgia is the very first and only Right to Life benefit pageant in the country!

The pageant is open to young women ages up to 22 years old living in the state of Georgia. These young women not only receive the chance to serve as a reigning queen for a year, but are also encouraged to use their platform to nurture pro life values in girls their age, as well as give back to their community.

Contestants not only compete on stage, but also with a personal interview that gives light to their genuine pro life beliefs. The college aged winner will also receive a $500 college scholarship. As well as raising money for such a worthy cause, last year’s participants volunteered over one hundred hours of community service giving back to the elderly, disabled, and others in need.

It is vital for us all to realize that pro life youth are on the rise! In its’ first two years, Miss Right to Life has had over 90 young women throughout the state of Georgia join the organization and raised thousands of dollars for Georgia Right to Life. As adults, we are responsible for providing them with opportunites to share their heart with others. These young women will surely flourish if surrounded by a sisterhood that all share one thing…. their belief in the RIGHT TO LIFE!

Registration ends July 11th. For information on registration guidelines or sponsorship opportunites, please visit our website:
Or contact Pageant Director, Amy Brown

Amy Brown
Pageant Director

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Pro-Life Movement makes strides…

Five Reasons the Pro-Life Movement is Winning on Abortion
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 5/18/11 3:10 PM

PrintEmailNational, Opinion 886ShareTrevin Wax, an editor at LifeWay Christian resources and a blogger at Kingdom People, is out with an article that is making the rounds in pro-life circles explaining five reasons why he believes the pro-life movement is winning on the issue of abortion.

Wax says the pro-life movement is moving in the right direction on public opinion, he sees the mainstream media as moving away slightly from the pro-abortion mantra, and he points out the next generation or two of Americans are taking strongly pro-life positions and, like Justin Bieber, going as far as saying they are pro-life in public and not worrying about any backlash.

Wax also contends black and Hispanic pro-life advocates are joining the pro-life movement, which has long since been dominated by Catholics and evangelicals. He calls them the “Third Wave” of pro-life advocates who will make the pro-life perspective even more mainstream — especially among people who have a tendency to vote for abortion advocates for elected office. Ultimately, he believes abortion advocates are on the defensive — saying they are having to downplay abortion in favor of verbiage on women’s health

He concludes: “The tipping point in favor of the pro-life cause is not evident to all. Time magazine recently chose Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards for their 100 Most Influential List (a decision akin to choosing segregationist George Wallace over crusader Martin Luther King, Jr.). There is much work to be done. The abortion debate will not go away. The fundamental issue at stake is not reproductive freedom but the desire to extend human rights to all — even the smallest and most vulnerable human beings among us. Those who continue to ignore or deny the humanity of the unborn are increasingly on the defensive because new technologies are opening the window into the womb. What we find there are not tissues to be discarded, but human lives worth protecting.”

Wax has good points and he could likely flesh out other arguments as to why the pro-life movement is winning, starting with his mention of technology (ultrasound) making it crystal clear the humanity of the unborn child. Additionally, significant research on topics like fetal pain, post-abortion problems, and the link between abortion and breast cancer is bringing new information to light that people didn’t have during Roe v. Wade (or even 10 years ago) showing how abortions cause problems.

Other points buttressing Wax’s argument include the fact that abortion numbers nationally have declined and are down to historic lows in many states, the number of pro-life laws approved on the state level is on the rise, the abortion industry is coming under exposure for hurting women and overlooking things like sexual abuse of minors and sex trafficking, and the Planned Parenthood business in particular is facing more opposition than ever before.

Of course, the biggest reason is that we may very well be one vote away on the Surpeme Court from overturning Roe and beginning the process of restoring legal protection for unborn children. Next year’s presidential election will determine if we make ore progress on that front.

Below is the first of the five arguments from Wax and a link to his full writing:

The pro-life cause is winning. In state legislatures, in the media, and in grassroots efforts to reduce the number of abortions, pro-life activists have put abortion rights advocates on defense. The pro-life movement certainly has hurdles to overcome before the United States can become a place where all human life is legally protected. Yet the eventual outcome is certain. Here are five reasons I believe we have reached a tipping point in favor of the pro-life cause.

1) Public Opinion
A majority of Americans surveyed in a recent Rasmussen poll, including a large percentage of those who identified themselves “pro-choice,” said they believe abortion is “morally wrong most of the time.” Last year, for the third consecutive time, Gallup found that more Americans accept the pro-life label, a result that led the polling firm to acknowledge “a real change in public opinion.”

One reason for this shift is the high-tech ultrasound machine that reaffirms what embryology textbooks have told us all along — that the unborn child is truly a human being. In a recent Washington Post editorial, Frances Kissling, former President of Catholics for Choice, advised abortion-rights advocates to shift strategies: “We can no longer pretend the fetus is invisible.” Yet few pro-choice activists seem to be listening to Kissling’s advice. They continue to cast themselves as the defenders of “women’s reproductive rights.” This worn-out strategy fails to resonate with a large number of Americans because it ignores the point of tension. The debate has moved on from “reproductive rights” to the more perplexing question: “What are the unborn?”

Meanwhile, many people — including some you would not expect — are openly registering their unease with the procedure. Take the recently released autobiography of Steven Tyler, the “screamin’ demon” lead singer of rock band Aerosmith. When he impregnated a teenaged girl in the mid-1970s, friends convinced them they could not raise the child and should seek an abortion. “They put the needle in her belly and squeeze the stuff in and you watch,” Tyler recounted. “And it comes out dead. I was pretty devastated. In my mind, I’m going, Jesus, what have I done?”

Twenty years ago, many of those who considered themselves “pro-life” were a little hesitant to say so publicly. Today, the reverse is true. Even those who advocate a woman’s right to abortion don’t want to fight for that position too passionately.

Read the full article here.

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yet another perspective on the 2011 legislative session…

May 13th Radio Commentary
Pro-Life Bills Died This Session
Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, May 13, 2011
By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Good morning, Jim. Try as they may, pro-life lobbyists could not get a bill passed this year. You would think it would be a done deal, since the governor is a Republican, the lieutenant governor is a Republican, the Attorney General is a Republican and Republicans have a majority in both House and Senate of the General Assembly. I mention that, because the Republican Party platform is pro-life, in direct contrast to other political party platforms. With Republicans dominating state government, they can pass any bill they choose to pass.

In a non-binding question on the 2010 primary ballot, 75 percent of voters in 46 counties approved a state human life amendment. That means, voters not only want pro-life laws, they want an amendment to the state constitution, too. Since 2001, Georgia Right to Life’s political action committee has endorsed only those candidates with strong pro-life positions. 92 percent of the candidates endorsed by Georgia Right to Life won their elections in 2010, including all nine statewide constitutional officers that were elected in November.

Given those facts, you would have expected Senator Loudermilk’s S.B. 210 to pass, but it was stopped in the House Judiciary Committee. S.B. 210 clarifies the fact that a woman can sue an abortion provider if requirements of the Women’s Right to Know Act are not followed or when other existing abortion laws are violated.

If S.B. 210 had passed, a woman who is a victim of an illegal abortion could go to court and recover damages from the abortionist. That would give pregnant women the same legal rights other victims of medical malpractice already have. But that bill did not pass, despite constant lobbying from pro-life groups and voters throughout the state. So, here’s my question for today: Shouldn’t Republican politicians be held accountable for the pro-life plank in their platform? Should they be allowed to “run to the right;” then govern in the middle? That sounds a whole lot like fence-sitting to me. For Georgia Insight I’m Sue Ella Deadwyler, your Capitol correspondent.

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GA US Senators Vote with the Proaborts

VERY PRO-ABORTION, PRO-PLANNED PARENTHOOD JUDGE.Our Georgia Senators voted NOTto filibuster a 52 old judge, who confirmed for life, will provide decades of big government, pro-abortion rulings. On the vote to cut off debate on the confirmation of a proabortion judge, Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson broke ranks with the prolife Republicans and voted with the proabortion Democrats.

Both of them are being dishonest with themselves and with us.  They had been through all the Bush nominees that were filibustered (sometimes for years) and they know that a filibuster was the only way to keep this pro-abortion judge from being confirmed.  They seem to be ill-equipped for the battle in the culture war.  They are not prolife and need to be replaced.

For more information, please read or

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