Monthly Archives: January 2010


By Catherine Davis, Director of Minority Outreach

On November 26, 1921 the headline in the Memphis Commercial Appeal read: Negro Ambushed, Lynched for Writing White Girl. Blacks reading this headline were terrorized because yet another black man had become the “Strange Fruit” Billie Holiday sang about.

Eugenics is a word that should have that same effect, striking fear in the hearts of every black person in America. It is the device by which millions of black lives have been taken over the past 36 years and the pseudoscience the abortionists have adopted to carry out their genocidal agenda.  According to an October 23, 2009 CNSNEWS article, Abortion Kills More Black Americans than the Seven Leading Causes of Death Combined, Says CDC Data. Yet, few blacks are aware of this great tragedy.

People who support eugenics believe those considered genetically superior should have children and those considered genetically inferior should not. Elitists such as Sir Francis Galton, Thomas Malthus and Charles Darwin began a program of population control based on race promoting the sterilization and elimination of vast numbers of people because they did not meet their definition of genetic superiority.

By the early 1900s, philanthropists such as the Gambles (of the Proctor and Gamble fortune), Rockefellers and Carnegies adopted the mindset of the eugenicists as they sought to control the birth rate of those they deemed  “weeds and misfits”.

Out of this arose another advocate, Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She focused her sights on the black community, deliberately targeting them in the Negro Project.  Sanger believed “the masses of Negroes …particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit…”

In order to control this “careless breeding”, she revealed that she intended to hire three or four colored ministers “to travel to various black enclaves to propagandize for birth control.” She wrote: “The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the Minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

In 1962, Dr. Alan Guttmacher, expanded the movement to include abortion at will. By expanding the definition of a threat to a mothers’ health to include “a more general and indefinite threat”, “including especially her psychological heath” he erased the line between physical health and psychological health.

Advocating that a woman has a right to kill her child and that right is above the right of her child, abortionists persuaded the America culture to accept abortion as a civil right. By the time of the 1973 Roe vs Wade decision, sitting Supreme Court Justices like Ruth Bader Ginsburg understood that “… there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion”.

But not all of us are accepting this lie.

Like those who fought the terror of lynching, Georgia is fighting the terror of abortion.  GRTL will expose the racial and genocidal impact the abortion practitioners have had on the black community. GRTL will enforce the civil right of blacks to be free of racial profiling and targeting for extermination by the pro abortion community.

Contact us today to find out how you can help.

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Filed under African American, anti-abortion, eugenics, georgia, Georgia Right to Life, healthcare, lynching, planned parenthood, Quality of Life, Rape, Sanctity of Life, violence

Sounding the Alarm in Georgia: One Trumpet Player’s Account of TFL

Every Year we have the privilege of working with thousands of Georgians to host our annual Together for Life Memorial Service. There are many people who help to make TFL a reality and bring it all together from the sound men, the speakers, the schools, the trumpet players, and so many more. This year we wanted to feature a woman who is with us every year. You might have seen her before. She is the first trumpet player that starts off the walk and plays Taps. She often has a child with her to celebrate the occasion, and this year she is with us again. We asked her to share a few thoughts on why Together for Life is an event not just for her,but for her own family.

Joselyn Schultz’s Account of TFL:

Why do you come to TFL year after year?

To stand up for the mothers and babies, to remember the lost, to make doing so natural for my children, and because there is a need that I can fill.

What role do you normally play?

I play taps to say farewell to the lost children, usually at the start and end of the march. They are not forgotten.

 Why do your bring your children? I want this just to be “what we do” for them. The first memory I have of knowing I was pro-life was my own father mentioning that we might go to a life chain, back in the early 90s. We didn’t end up going, but it established for me that “we’re pro-life.” For the ones too young to know what “abortion” means, I tell them “we’re going to tell everyone that we love babies & mothers and to pray for the ones who are scared or alone or facing hard times and don’t know what to do.” I also know it’s a really powerful testimony to life to see that sweet little one in the sling bound to mama, and also a poignant image to those who commit themselves to the memorial walk to see a growing young family standing up for life.

 How did you become pro-life?

I’m not sure. I never recall being otherwise, even while I never recall being told anything about abortion or told we should be against it. I think it’s just natural that children are pro-life, as long as they don’t have another agenda pushed on them. For my own children, I tell them, when they ask and are old enough, what abortion is in fairly gentle terms (ending a pregnancy) and because they know what a pregnancy is (having read picture books on fetal development and had several new siblings!), and how precious life is, it horrifies them without me having to say anything else.

They know exactly what that means, even at 7 years old, and instinctively know it’s horrible. (We also discuss how we don’t judge those who do bad things, but rather, pray for them.) I don’t have any memory of that happening for me, but since no one brainwashed me into thinking murdering unborn babies is ok, I think I just figured it out for myself. I was in high school before my father mentioned the life chain, and it seemed very sensible then, so I must have had some sense that abortion was not only a bad idea, but something to oppose, by then, even though my parents didn’t talk about it, that I recall. Reading John Paul II on the infinite dignity and worth of every human being, and seeing the example of pro-lifers like Joe Scheidler and dedicated local people certainly had the effect of, in the words of Fr. Frank Pavone, “mobilizing the convinced.” What do your children get from it? I think it’s just one more aspect of a total picture of what respect for life looks like. Whether it’s bringing meals to ailing great-grandparents, praying at a clinic, or playing taps at a memorial walk for the unborn, they are learning that we stand up for the defenseless. It’s another way to live Matthew 25, serving Christ in “the least of these.” I believe they’re internalizing the value of life and the importance of not just believing, but acting on what you believe in. Not just having principles, but standing up for them. Do you have a memory from TFL that you would like to share, maybe what impacted you the 1st time you came, etc. It’s potent every time. I love seeing the teenagers, the nuns & cassocked young priests, people of every race and color. The women holding the “I Regret My Abortion” signs a few years ago were unbelievably powerful. They play a huge part in helping us to remember the other victims of abortion. A few times, there have been women pushing empty strollers, sometimes with a sign memorializing the child missing from that stroller.

 Signs thanking their mothers for adopting them are powerful. One year, there were counter-protesters on the first corner. I went to talk to them, hoping to keep them engaged long enough to let the march go by in silence. I ended up having a great conversation with a local NOW leader who really didn’t care much about abortion; she was interested in mothers’ rights against deadbeat dads. The college students around her were listening to our conversation, and very interested in hearing that abortion actually compounds, rather than lessens, the problems of rape. Some were throwing ad hominem attacks back rather than addressing my points, and others seemed irritated that their companions were interrupting me. We had a really good discussion going, when one of them suddenly remembered she was supposed to be shouting and went back to streaming out slogans: Rosaries Off Our Ovaries and whatnot. Fortunately, by that time, most of the crowd had gone by. I brought literature to the march for a few years after that, to help in any abortion discussions that may have arisen, but we haven’t had any other hecklers in the part of the march that I see. I’ve often wished I could march one year, to see what happens the rest of the route, but I’m really very content to be able to play the part I’m blessed to play.

The second year (I think this is our 8th year) or so, I was kneeling on the Courtland bridge when what looked to be a GSU student approached us. She looked very, shall we say, counter-cultural in dress, and I fully expected her to come and lambast me for “shoving your religion down our throats” or “sending women back to the back alley” or whatever. When she got close, she asked if she could join me, and we finished the Rosary together. God works in mysterious ways!

God bless! Joselyn Schutz

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China and Forced Abortions

by Ken Blackwell, former Ohio Secretary of State and 2010 TFL Speaker

Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker has written a powerful commentary recently on the appalling issue of forced abortion in China. Miss Parker interviewed Reggie Littlejohn, a women’s rights activist, who testified at yesterday’s hearings on Capitol Hill. Reggie Littlejohn is a petite woman who heads Women’s Rights Without Frontiers.

Attorney Littlejohn gave up a profitable practice to work for human rights. Dr. Littlejohn showed how China’s brutal policy actually works. Women in China pregnant with their second or third “unauthorized” child, are rounded up and harassed until they submit to abortion–even in the eighth or ninth month.

Estimates range as high as 50 million a year. China’s communist rulers claim it’s all voluntary. Littlejohn knows better. She provided congressional members of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission with incontrovertible evidence that forced abortion is official government policy and that it is widespread.

Dr. Littlejohn is calling upon Planned Parenthood and NARAL to speak up for the women of China who are daily denied their rights. She also hopes President Obama will raise the issue of human rights when he visits Asia this week. What Reggie Littlejohn will learn is what Stephen Mosher learned more than 25 years ago. Steve Mosher was a young researcher from Stanford University. He was studying village life in rural China. Then, Steve was “pro-choice.” But he discovered–in fact he was the first Westerner to discover–the way pregnant Chinese women were rounded up, thrown roughly into open trucks, hauled off to abortion centers by Communist Party cadres, and yelled at and stressed until they agreed to have abortions. Steve was shocked by this denial of choice to these women. So he went public. He wrote about this story. He was promptly thrown out of China.

And Beijing threatened Stanford University: If you want to send any more graduate students to China, you had better expel Steve Mosher. Stanford, you’ll remember, was the home of Jesse Jackson-led demonstrations in which student protestors chanted: “Hey hey, Ho ho, Western Civ has got to go.” Western Civilization was expelled from Stanford and so was Stephen Mosher. He was found to have violated rules passed by the Stanford faculty senate after he departed for China.

Steve Mosher thought Planned Parenthood and NARAL would rise to his defense. They didn’t.

And I seriously doubt they will be heard from now. We’ve heard precious little from them about China’s obvious, aggravated, denial of choice to Chinese women. Mosher did get a nice editorial in the New York Times tsk-tsking forced abortions in China. The Times, we should be reminded, is not unlike Winston Churchill’s description of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin: “He occasionally stumbles over the truth, but he picks himself up and proceeds as if nothing had happened.

So it will be with President Obama. Reggie Littlejohn hopes the President will raise the issue with the Chinese. He won’t. We read in Kathleen Parker’s column about Chinese doctors sending emails back and forth describing the terrible problem of infants born alive after induced labor abortions. Senior party members advise puncturing their skulls as they are in the birth canal to avoid such dreaded complications.

Anyone who expects Barack Obama to raise this issue with Chinese officials is whistling in the dark. Barack Obama as Illinois state senator led the opposition to the Infant Born Alive Protection Act. He later said he would have voted for the bill if it had been like the one that passed at the federal level. Except that it was.

Of course, the world’s Number One enabler of China’s forced abortion policy is President Obama. He hesitated not at all last January before revoking the Mexico City policy initiated by President Reagan. After January 23rd, we are all forced to back abortion. Our tax dollars are backing the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and International Planned Parenthood. Between financial support for China’s brutality and a bailout of the world’s largest abortion provider, Obama has claimed the crown as the world’s premier abortion backer. Maybe that’s why he won the Peace Prize.

This article was originally printed in the online magazine.

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1973: When the Bough Began to Break…

By Katie Reid

I was born in 1973. The year, the womb became the most dangerous place in America to live. Five months and seven days after Roe v. Wade, my parents got to meet and hold me for the first time.

I always found it remarkable that the first four months I was alive I was a person, and then, in the stroke of a pen, some strangers declared that for the next five months my personhood no longer existed, not even three fifths remained.

One day I was precious, the next day – disposable, the property of my mother to do with as she wished.

How could I be a person one day, lose it the next, and yet still be alive, still living, still growing? How could I, as I got older, as I began to kick, grasp, grow nails, and move around, how did I lose the rights I previously held?

I never could make sense of it, but I was one of the fortunate ones, I got to be born and meet the world. Four years later my baby brother or sister was not so blessed.

I’ve always wondered about that baby I would have grown up with and loved.  Well, I’ve more than wondered, but I was a child.  What could I do?  There didn’t seem to be anyway to undo the wrong, just accept it and put it out of my mind like it never happened- except it did.

Then I grew up and found out just how scared, shamed, and desperate a girl can be, how desperate I could be when I was confronted with a baby and a life I didn’t want.  Everything I believed collided with everything I ever dreamed, and I had to choose when every choice terrified me.  I can’t claim any goodness for choosing life.

In my most desperate moments, it was the life inside me that created an urgency, a demand for life, and a devotion to a little person I had not yet met.

I never had courage as I lived the difficult life that followed, but from the first moment I laid eyes on my child I had a deeper love than I had ever imagined possible.

Although wonderful, what that love didn’t do was make my children real, human, or alive, anymore than Roe v. Wade extinguished my humanity 37 years ago.

They were all of those all on their own, and nothing I felt or feared, nothing the courts said or did, nothing, not even time could change what they were by nature from their very first moment, human beings deserving human rights.  And I realized there was something I could do to help undo the wrong and “speak for those with no voice, for those appointed to die” Proverbs 31:8.


Katie recently wrote a book that is a collection of letters to the unborn child’s mommies, daddies, grandparents and the rest of us.  Katie has given the unborn a voice to say what is so often unsaid, defend their right to live, and share their mothers’ need for compassion.  It is entitled When The Bough Breaks: Abortion and the Rest of Us.

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TFL: It’s A Family Affair!

by Melanie Crozier, GRTL Board Member

Why is attending Together for Life (TFL) important to me?  I get asked this every year as the annual memorial service for the unborn gets closer.  It is an easy answer for me.  It is important to attend because it is a tangible way to take a stand for what I believe to be the most important issue to affect my generation.  Usually after asking me why I attend the next question always seems to be, “Is it appropriate for children?”  What a great question and one I have very strong feelings about.

Melanie and Children at TFL

As a child growing up in metro-Atlanta, my parents regularly took me to TFL.  This tradition helped to solidify my pro-life beliefs and move me from a mere observer of the pro-life movement to being an active participant in the movement.  I remember as a child walking through the streets of downtown Atlanta as hundreds of anti-life protesters yelled and shouted to us.  We never responded to them, and now, years later, there aren’t any protestors left during our silent memorial walk.  That is progress.  I have seen the progress in Georgia and I believe it is because of the faithful participation of individuals like my parents, who regularly attended and still attend TFL.

Now I am a parent myself and TFL has taken on a greater significance to me.  I take my school age children out of class for the day and bundle up my younger children so we can all attend TFL.  I cannot think of a more “appropriate” way to teach my children how to take a stand, be politically involved, and be a peaceful, respectful activist.  I decided when my oldest child was a baby that I would take them every year, despite the weather.  A few years ago I carried one child while pushing a stroller the entire way in the pouring down, freezing rain.  This wasn’t fun, but it was a great way to teach my children that when you believe in something, you should be willing to do whatever it takes to take a stand.  All noble causes succeed because committed people make sacrifices and are committed to that cause 100%. That is what I want to teach my children, and TFL is one tool I choose to do that.

If you are considering attending TFL this year, let me encourage you to not let anything stand in the way.  Make the necessary sacrifices to attend and to bring your children or grandchildren with you.  What will your answer be if your children or grandchildren ask you, “What did you do to stop the holocaust of the unborn?”

You have the opportunity to make a difference.  What a legacy you will leave behind when you demonstrate how to take a stand for the noblest cause there is – the right to life.  What will you do?

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Do you play the trumpet, bugle, or shofar? Call 770-339-6880. We need your help on Jan 22nd @ 1 PM.

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