The Abortion ‘Pill’: Far From ‘Simple’

The Abortion ‘Pill’: Far From ‘Simple’.

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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, Birth Control, fetal development, Georgia Right to Life, personhood, planned parenthood, Pregnancy, Sanctity of Life

Georgia Right to Life Responds

A response to the February 8 Atlanta Journal-Constitution Politifact article; by Dan Becker, President Georgia Right to Life

Your February 8th Politifact-Georgia article: “Abortion foe overreaches in describing context of court ruling” suggested I misread a recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling.

The ruling upheld—and even expanded—a lower court decision that applied the state’s chemical endangerment statute to pre-born children.

The lower court only said the endangerment statue applies to viable pre-born children. The Supreme Court expanded the meaning to pre-born children at all stages of development.

The court’s decision did advance the cause of protecting innocent life by in effect applying personhood status to a new area of Alabama law.

Your article incorrectly pointed to a South Carolina ruling as proof that the decision was not unique.  That’s not an apples-to-apples comparison since the South Carolina ruling only applied to a viable fetus, not pre-viable as the Alabama ruling does. This latest ruling extended personhood status for the first time to all pre-born children in a different area of Alabama law without juridical restrictions on viability.

In a concurring opinion, Justice Tom Parker said Roe v. Wade—aside from authorizing the right to abortion—was not relevant in deciding the case.

“Subsequently, Roe has sometimes been misread as holding that those unborn children are not persons and do not have the same fundamental rights as does every other person, which rights are protected by law. Nothing could be further from the truth.”

This encouraging decision reflects a broader nationwide trend aimed at establishing personhood status to all children from the moment of conception.

A few recent examples include:

  • Last August, 66 percent of Georgia Republican voters approved a non-binding primary ballot question calling on the state to place human rights amendment before all voters.
  • This month, the North Dakota House of Representatives and the Montana Senate approved bills that grant legal protection to children at all stages of development.

These, and developments in other states, prove that the tide is indeed turning as more and more people recognize that it’s time to end the culture of death that has plagued our nation for 40 years.  That shadow has resulted in the death of more than 55 million innocent children.

That’s why our opponents are so worried; they know Georgia, and many other states, are rejecting the idea that some lives are more valuable than others.

 All Rights Reserved © 2012

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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, fetal development, Georgia Right to Life, personhood

Susan G. Komen and Planned Parenthood: Best Friends Forever or Coincidental Business Associates?

I heard the advertising for the “3 day” again today.  So, we are repeating a article that was posted about 4 years ago.  Remember there are pro-life alternatives to Susan G. Komen.  They are down at the bottom of this post.


Susan G. Komen and Planned Parenthood:  Best Friends Forever or Coincidental Business Associates?  by Hannah Carter, Director of Education

Like many families, my grandmother and great-grandmother both had breast cancer. The issue of wanting to fight what harms your family or friends is noble. So when I tell people that I do not support Susan G. Komen an organization that exists to “fight breast cancer”, I normally get the look of one: why would you abandon your family or two: oh there goes one of those extremists.

However, my reasons are not that extreme, but rather principled. I’m sure many of you reading this article have also been confronted with the issue of if I ‘m pro-life then how can I support an organization that supports the nation’s leading abortion provider. Hopefully, the following principles can shed some light on how to respond sympathetically, yet firm with why you cannot wear pink, or join the race, or all the various ways that Susan G. Komen is supported.

Principle # 1 Don’t give to organizations that promote the shedding of innocent blood.

If this were a list of commandments, we could start with Thou Shall Not Kill. However, Proverbs 6:17 states that one of the seven things God hates are hands that shed innocent blood.

Unfortunately, Susan G. Komen has given over $3 million dollars to Planned Parenthood which is the nation’s leading abortion provider. While Susan G. Komen makes claims that these grants go for breast exams, once the funds go to Planned Parenthood they are fungible. For example, you can throw two twenty dollar bills into a purse one from a friend and one from your own account, but when you go to pay the light bill you use both.

The same is true with Planned Parenthood’s money it receives from Komen. Whenever someone applies for a grant they can say that while this $5,000 is going to breast cancer research, 20 percent of that money is going to pay for administrative costs like keeping the lights on and paying rent. So in essence, the money that people are raising to fight breast cancer is also going to keep the lights on at Planned Parenthood.

Principle # 2 Know and Recognize the Risk Factors for the Disease You are Trying to Prevent.

There are certain risks that can increase an individual’s chance of getting breast cancer. While Susan G. Komen says that they believe in knowing your risk factors, they have repeatedly denied the link between breast cancer and one of the greatest avoidable risk factors, abortion.

According to Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, “29 out of 38 worldwide epidemiological studies show an increased risk of breast cancer of approximately 30% among women who have had an abortion.”

When a woman has an abortion she interrupts the natural process of estrogen production and breast development. When a woman first becomes pregnant her body produces a Type 1 carcinogen, cancer causing agent, estrogen in order to nourish and provide for the baby. If the mother has her child, her body stops producing as much estrogen and her breasts mature. However, if that process is interrupted, the estrogen production continues and her breasts stay in an immature state, making them more susceptible to breast cancer.

Groups like Susan G. Komen acknowledge that the level of exposure to estrogen throughout a woman’s lifetime is one of the greatest predictors for breast cancer. Sadly, they do not acknowledge that the increased exposure to estrogen after an abortion could increase risks of breast cancer as well. For an organization whose primary goal is “to have a world without breast cancer”, you would think they would try to let women know of all the risk factors for breast cancer, especially those that are preventable like abortion.

Recently, in an article,  Jill Stanek, pro-life author and blogger, asked a very thought-provoking question, “Is it really “morally permissible” to cause breast cancer in one room if screening for it in the next?”

Stanek also noted in her article that recently the ties between Planned Parenthood and Susan G. Komen are running deeper and deeper. See an excerpt below from Stanek’s article:

Three days ago a diligent pro-lifer in Washington state discovered on Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest’s IRS 990 forms that it has held a 12.5 percent share in Metro Centre, a mall in Peoria, Ill., since 2006. PPGNW is Washington’s largest abortion provider. (It is also currently under investigation for Medicaid fraud.) Metro Centre is owned by Eric Brinker. Eric Brinker is the son of Nancy Goodman Brinker, the founder of SGK. Eric also sits on SGK’s board. Eric was a stand-up guy and responded to most of my initial questions. He explained in an e-mail, “This share represents a minority, non-operating interest in the business which they inherited from one of the original shareholders, a resident of Peoria. I, Eric Brinker, have controlling interest in Metro Centre.” But when I pursued follow-up questions, Eric wrote he was no longer available. So there is much still unanswered. Why didn’t PPGNW cash in its inheritance? Why didn’t Eric buy? If the share was willed, it was worth something. The real-estate market was thriving in 2006. It appears both partners are OK with this now four-year-old business partnership.

In essence, Planned Parenthood and Susan G. Komen’s nephew own a mall together.

The bottom line is that Susan G. Komen is not accomplishing its mission every time it gives to Planned Parenthood.

Every time a woman has an abortion and part of the money to fund that center staying open came from Komen, they are putting women at a greater risk for breast cancer.

Every organization no matter how noble the cause they claim to represent needs to be held accountable.

The question is will you?


To continue your search for the ties between Susan G. Komen and Planned Parenthood, please visit:

Susan G. Komen for the Cure Awards 72 Grants to Planned Parenthood

Komen Giving to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Down as Donations Drop

Planned Parenthood Deepens Link to Breast Cancer Group

Susan G. Komen’s List of Grants to Planned Parenthood

Studies about the Link between Abortion and Breast Cancer

Report: Susan G. Komen and Planned Parenthood: A Visible Link

If you would like to give to organizations that are pro-life and do breast cancer research go to:

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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, Birth Control, breast cancer, Parenting, planned parenthood, Pregnancy, pro-choice

Being Handicapped is Not a Crime by Suzanne Ward

Prenatal (before Grace and Faith being handicapped is not a crimebirth) testing today results in the early diagnosis of more and more abnormalities from the extremely simple to the very complex. Sadly, physicians may suggest terminating a pregnancy with only a possible risk of abnormality, probably due to fear of malpractice law suits.

Half of the children targeted for destruction are not even affected by the feared abnormality. More normal children are killed than handicapped children.

As a society, we must remember that a child’s right to life is given by their Creator, not their parents or even the state. Being handicapped is not a capital crime and should never carry a death sentence. In any or all circumstances, we want to protect and support both mother and child.

Studies show that women who choose abortion for genetic reasons have significant grief reactions, a high rate of depression, and flashbacks. Negative reactions are also seen in the siblings even when they had no direct knowledge of the event.

Approximately 20% of U.S. adults have some sort of disability according to the Centers for Disease Control, or CDC. Many, many of these individuals accomplish amazing things in spite of great challenges. Let’s ‘meet’ just a few of them:

Robert Michael Hensel was born in 1969, with a birth defect known as Spina-bifida. His disability would limit him to a wheelchair, but he continues to find ways to positively impact people. Hensel is an award-winning poet and has recently been recognized by the Museum of Disability History in Buffalo, New York.

Hensel is a Guinness World Records holder for the longest non-stop “wheelie” in a wheelchair. His efforts have raised money for wheelchair ramps throughout his hometown of Oswego, New York. Hensel continues to raise awareness of the many talents and accomplishments made by disabled individuals. Says Hensel:

“Know me for my abilities, not my disability.”
“I don’t have dis-ability, I have a different-ability.”
“When everyone else says you can’t, determination says, YES YOU CAN.”
“No disability or dictionary out there is capable of clearly defining who we are as a person. It’s only when we step out of that labeled box, that our abilities begin to be fully recognized, giving us a better definition of who we truly are as individuals.”

Nick Vujicic is the Founder, President and CEO of Life Without Limbs, a non-profit organization whose mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through his own life. Born without arms and legs, Nick has shared his message with over 5 million people in 44 different countries. “Life without limbs, or life without limits?” Nick is known to say.

Nick’s story, outlined in Biography of a Determined Man of Faith, tells of his childhood in Australia, his turning points and his growing passion to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ. Nick says, “God does not make mistakes, but He does miracles. I am one. You are too.”

Here in Georgia, Phillip Richardson is President of the Cherokee County Chapter of Georgia Right to Life. He is also a faithful member of Christ the Redeemer Charismatic Episcopal Church in Canton, Georgia.

Born with Spina-bifida, Phillip would face the additional challenges of poverty, physical abuse and homelessness. “Life is hard,” Phillip says, “but life is worth it.”

Phillip credits his mother with choosing life even under very difficult circumstances. His hardships, he says, “…… have not swayed my resolve to be a proactive, compassionate man that is so thankful to have the life that God has given me. How can we logically deny someone’s existence before they even have a chance to overcome and be the success story that so many of us are in awe of?”

Indeed. We will all face challenging times in our lives. How can we exclude any one group of people – the disabled pre-born – simply because of any presumed problems? Who knows what wonders they might accomplish when given the chance?

by Suzanne L. Ward

Public Relations/Education


Filed under abortion, Disability, eugenics, euthanasia, personhood, Pregnancy, Quality of Life, Sanctity of Life

Dear Pro-life Friends

St. Paul said it best. “For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.” Ephesians 6:12

Even though we “wrestled with the principalities,” Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) has had a banner year. We are one of the most respected pro-life organizations in the nation. This is due to three things: the faithfulness of God, the faithfulness of GRTL staff, and the faithfulness of you, our donors.

We like to think that the best is yet to come as we end this year and head into 2013. We are filled with a profound gladness for blessings already received and with profound rejoicing for blessings that will be coming.

Your gifts determined our projects in 2012 and what you give now will help determine our projects going forward into the New Year.

Here is what you have accomplished in 2012:

  • We worked toward the passage of a Personhood-compliant Fetal Pain Law. Georgia had the second highest number of late term abortions in the nation; being a destination state for these abortions. As of January 1st, 2013 this is FINISHED. There will be babies saved because of this law. Praise God!. UPDATE: The ACLU has file an injunction – the law Is in danger of not going into effect on 1/1/13!
  • During the primary election, 66% of the Republicans in the State voted for putting a Personhood Amendment in the Constitution. Yes, it was non-binding; however, we sent a message to our legislators that Georgia is pro-life and they should be, too.
  • People have joined the movement because of our web presence. A woman in the Panhandle of Florida drove 7 hours to Orlando to become a part of Personhood there. Why? She saw our Memorial Wall, named her aborted child, and was directed to Orlando from our website.
  • The states of Alaska and Iowa want to copy our “program” in its entirety. They want the complete package from our by-laws to our Personhood displays and training to our Life and Liberty Tracker.
  • We are still reaching at-risk women with our helpline, our billboards, and our Google keyword searches.
  • We use email newsletters, social media, and speakers to reach people everywhere with our principled message of the Sanctity of Life and Personhood.

There is so much more. As we come toward the end of an exhausting but most successful year, there is hardly time to appreciate all that has been accomplished because we have so much more to do in 2013.

The ACLU has filed an injunction against the fetal pain bill to keep it from going into effect on January 1, 2013. We will keep you posted on the status of the bill.

We will pause on January 22nd of 2013, to mourn the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade on the Capitol steps. I don’t know why it has taken 40 years to abolish abortion on demand in this country. I hope that we are seeing the Joshua generation step up to end this wandering in the wilderness by the pro-life movement. We, at GRTL, believe that Personhood is the way out of the wilderness and we will continue to lead in that direction if we have the resources.

Please, I urge you to send your most generous sacrificial year-end gift so we can continue to promote Personhood and defend life at all stages. I can’t ask you for more than you can afford, but please send what you can. We need your help to continue our good work, together.

We thank you for your past generosity and your prayers and we thank you in advance for your gift today.

Together for Life,

Daniel C. Becker, President

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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, fundraising, Georgia Right to Life, Legislation, personhood, Sanctity of Life

2011 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Syndey Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 12,000 times in 2011. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 4 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

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Happy Birthday to Chris! December 25, 2011!

I have been born.  My mom and dad are ecstatic.

For those of you who have been following my development, thank you.  I hope that you have also used these last nine months to pray for all the pre-born children whose lives are in danger from abortion.

I am so glad that my mommy and daddy chose Life for me.  All babies deserve a birthday.

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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, Family, fetal development, Parenting, personhood, prayer, Pregnancy, Sanctity of Life

The Final Countdown!

December 5, Week 37:  Only 3 more weeks and I will have my birthday.  I’m filling out now–absorbing about a gallon of amniotic fluid each day.  My cheeks have fat and muscle in them.  I’m a little plump.  I weigh 6 pounds and am 20 inches tall.  I’m ready for a picture, Mom.

December 11, Week 38: Mom, better pack those bags.  Although, I think I will be born right on time.  I’ve stepped up practicing my breathing.  My lungs are just about ready.  It’s only a matter of a few days, and they’ll be fine.  And, Mom, don’t forget the camera.

December 19, Week 39:  It’s really crowded in here and it’s very hard for me to move.  Even the umbilical cord is 20 inches long and about 1/2 inch thick.  However, I’m moving down, Mom.  I am so ready!  I bet you are, too.  I know you must be tired of going to the bathroom every two minutes.

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My birthday is getting closer, mommy!

October 2: week 28

Whoa!  I’ve had trouble with my balance but it is getting better.  I’m going to be in my first Life Chain today.  The cars might not notice me but my mom will.  Not much room to wave in here, but my eyes are opening, so I guess I’ll just practice blinking at everyone.  I weigh about 2 pounds.  Mom’s talking about different names for me.  Hey, mom, how about Chris?

October 9:  week 29

I am about 14 inches tall now and growing really fast.  I try to stretch out and mom can feel me move about.  You could hear my heartbeat if you put your ear on my mommy’s tummy.  If I were born now, I’d have an 85% chance of survival because my lungs have been getting stronger.  Sometimes mom has a craving.  I really like the ice cream; pickles, not so much.

October 16: week 30

I have doubled in size over the last 4 weeks and it is really getting cramped in here.  I don’t have as much room to do my exercises.  My muscle tone is better, though, and my body is filling out with baby fat.  I have nice fine hair growing on my head.  I can recognize my mom’s voice.  I know that she is feeling a lot of aches and pains and discomfort, but she knows that she will be seeing me real soon.

October 23: week 31

I must be getting younger.  The wrinkles that I had everywhere are slowly disappearing.  I used to have a big head, but now that I’m gaining weight, my body is catching up.  I can move my eyes, but it is still pretty dark in here.  I can hear my mom.  I can’t wait to see her.

October 30: week 32

I weigh three pounds now and will gain about a half pound each week until birth.  It’s really cramped now, so I have assumed the “fetal” position.  I can see, but I don’t have 20/20 vision.  In fact, I won’t have 20/20 vision until I’m about 7 years old–hopefully.  Mom is pretty uncomfortable right now.  When she sleeps on her side, I really like snuggling into the mattress.

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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, Family, fetal development, Georgia Right to Life, Life Chain, Parenting, personhood, Pregnancy, Sanctity of Life

You Are Invited!

Georgia Right to Life’s

2011 REACH Benefit

Thursday, October 27, 2011, 7-9 pm

(Doors open at 6:30 pm)

Cobb Galleria   2 Galleria Pkway SE   Atlanta, GA  30339

Keynote Speaker:  Jennifer Lahl, President

The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network

Tickets:  $50  Table of 10:  $500

Tickets/Information:  (770) 339-6880

Jennifer Lahl couples her 25 years as a pediatric critical care nurse and hospital administrator with a deep passion to speak for those who are unable to speak for themselves.  A courageous voice, Ms. Lahl has also produces a groundbreaking, award winning documentary on the solicitation of eggs from young women across America, Eggsploitation.  This is, she says, the fertility industry’s ‘dirty little secret’.  Just who is this egg donor?  Is she treated justly?  What are the short and long-term risks to her health?  The answers to these questions will disturb you…

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Filed under abortion, anti-abortion, fundraising, Georgia Right to Life, Pregnancy