Before You Cut the Turkey…

10 Events to Give Thanks for in 2009

by Hannah Carter, Director of Education

Before the Turkey is cut and you have your second piece of pie, we wanted to say thank you to you our e-newsletter readers. There is so much that God has blessed us with at Georgia Right to Life this year and we are truly grateful. You are helping us get the word out to a culture that desperately needs to hear the truth.

We know the year has been tough for many of us. But we wanted to take a few moments, to list ten events that pro-lifers have to be grateful for.So just in case you have a cousin or an uncle who has a case of the Chicken Little “The Sky is Falling” attitude, you can very lovingly share one of these great moments that have taken place this past year.

We encourage you to continue to share the love and truth of the value of each person in God’s eyes. These events show just how God truly is at work.

10.) The 51% of Americans that identify themselves as pro-life.

For the 1st time in 15 years a majority of Americans have identified themselves as pro-life. On May 15, 2009 a Gallup poll was released that 51% of Americans identified themselves as Pro-Life. The interesting factor in this poll is that Gallup was not the only polling company to get the same results. The Rasmussen poll confirmed the same numbers, along with others. People are getting the message that all life is valuable as the truth about abortion is exposed.  (Click Here to Read about the Gallup Poll)

9.) Passage of a Human Life Amendment resolution by the Georgia Republican Party

On May 16th, 2009, the Georgia Republican Party passed the Preserving our Values resolution which called for a Human Life Amendment in the state of Georgia to insure protection to all persons under law. This moves Georgia one step closer to acknowledging publicly that all human persons should be protected under the law. (Click Here for More Info)

8.) Passage of the Option of Adoption Act

Georgia passed the Option of Adoption  Act and became the 1st state in the nation to provide for the legal adoption of embryos. Under the Option of Adoption Act, embryos would be viewed as persons with the opportunity to be adopted rather than property to be donated. Rep. James Mills, co-sponsor of the bill noted, “You donate furniture, but you adopt children.”

Georgia is estimated to have over 40,000 cryo-preserved human embryos in concentration cans. This law gives them the opportunity to have a birthday. The law also gives couples the opportunity to use the Federal Adoption Tax Credit which is currently limited to $11,500 under IRS guidelines. (To Read about the Option of Adoption act, click here)

7.) Ruth Bader Ginsburg .

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has not been a friend of the pro-life community ever. But on May 16th in a NY Times article she helped give ammunition to the truth of the eugenic legacy behind abortion. When asked about Roe v. Wade she stated “I thought Roe was to rid the world of populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” She confirmed what many already knew that Roe v. Wade had nothing to do with a woman’s choice,but everything to do with ridding an entire people group from the face of the earth.

6.) MAAFA 21

This film brings together a story of over 150 years of a eugenic legacy in America. It finally gives us a tool to help awaken the African-American community to the truth behind abortion. If you have not seen MAAFA 21, you need to add this to your to do list for the end of the year. It truly is a life changing film. If you want to find out more about scheduling a viewing in your home or community, contact Catherine Davis at

5.) 231 Corporations  that have stopped donating to Planned Parenthood because of Pro-Life Boycotts.

According to Life Decisions International, Planned Parenthood has lost over $40 million dollars due to the boycotts of pro-lifers. LDI works every year to convince companies both locally and nationally to not fund Planned Parenthood through the boycotts and pressure received from pro-life consumers. This month LDI is highlighting Whole Foods as a company that continues to give to Planned Parenthood despite the pleas from many pro-life consumers. (Click Here for More Info)

4.) 2,300 pregnancy resource centers in the United States

According to a report released recently by the Family Research Council, over 2,300 pregnancy resource centers continue to reach out to women in crisis pregnancy and provide them with true choices. They talk with these women in their most vulnerable moments, provide counseling, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, parenting classes, clothing,diapers, and so much more. These pregnancy centers are on the front lines providing the love of Christ to women and their families all year-long. (To Read the PRC report released by FRC, Click Here)

3.) The Law and Order episode, “Human Dignity”

Law and Order is not normally a friend of the pro-life community. Recently, they decided to talk about the issue of abortion and the death of late-term abortionist, George Tiller. If you have not seen this episode, please do and then pass it on to friends. This is truly a great display of many of the truths in argument for the personhood of the unborn. This episode also shows that God can use any vehicle he wants to promote His message, even mainstream television shows. (Click Here to Watch the Show Online)

2.) 32 States Have Joined the Personhood Fight

In 2007, when Georgia joined the personhood fight there were very few people who were willing to stand with Georgia Right to Life. In 2008, when Georgia lobbied for the Human Life Amendment, we became the first state in the nation to offer a HLA to be amended to the state constitution which would establish personhood from the earliest biological beginning until natural death.

While the results of the 2008 legislative session were discouraging, the message of personhood continued to be spread throughout the United States. Now over 32 states have joined in the battle for personhood. When you choose to stand on principle and trust God, he is the one who changes the hearts of men and women. (To read more about the Personhood movement, click here)

1.) The Power of Prayer

Over this past year there have been so many accounts of how prayer has changed people and situations. God continues to prove himself to be faithful. During the 40 Days for Life Campaign, a Planned Parenthood director, Abigail Johnson quit her job of over eight years after seeing an ultrasound done during an abortion procedure.

As if that was not exciting enough, an abortion clinic in Pensacola, FL that had been open for more than 25 years closed its doors on October 30, 2009. They had been fined $413,000 for an expired laboratory license. The clinic management did not pay the fine and instead closed its doors.  This abortion clinic was also one of the clinics that participants from 40 Days for Life had been praying for.

These stories are just two of the many events where we see God’s hand at work. So Let’s continue to go before God in prayer in faith believing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Let’s continue to pray for our family members who may not understand or believe in the sanctity of human Life. Let’s be grateful for the ways in which God is showing us his greatness. Let’s remember that we all have something to be thankful for this year.

Happy Thanksgiving from All the Staff
at Georgia Right to Life!

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One response to “Before You Cut the Turkey…

  1. I was once told that I took the easy way out when I told someone that I had to have an emergency c-section after 22 hours of labor!!!

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