Leading Pro-Life Groups Shocked at Handel’s Latest Endorsement

For Immediate Release  July 12, 2010                                                                 

Contact Melanie Crozier 770-339-6880

Lawrenceville, GA- Georgia Right to Life is stunned that former Alaskan Governor, Sarah Palin, has endorsed Karen Handel for Governor.  Mrs. Handel has proven that she is not the best candidate for Governor for the state of GA based on her more liberal views.  Although claiming to be pro-life, Mrs. Handel does not believe it necessary to protect the lives of all the preborn.  

Because of this, Georgia Right to Life chose not to endorse Mrs. Handel.  The Susan B. Anthony List, a group that seeks to see pro-life women elected, also withheld their stamp of approval from the only female candidate running in Georgia’s race for Governor. 

 “In 2010 women should stand up for women who will protect all life, not just some life”, comments Melanie Crozier, Director of GRTL’s Political Action Committee.  “I am especially surprised that Mrs. Palin would endorse a candidate that thinks pre-screening embryos for genetic disorders and abnormalities is okay, considering Mrs. Palin views those lives to be the most precious of all.”

Georgia Right to Life encourages all Georgians to vote for a candidate that has pledged to value all human life.  For a list of all GRTL PAC endorsed candidates, please visit www.grtl.org.

Georgia Right to Life (www.grtl.org) promotes respect and effective legal protection for all human life from its earliest biological beginning through natural death. GRTL is one of the number of organizations that have adopted Personhood (www.personhood.net) as the most effective pro-life strategy for the 21st century.


Filed under abortion, georgia, Georgia Right to Life, personhood, Sanctity of Life

2 responses to “Leading Pro-Life Groups Shocked at Handel’s Latest Endorsement

  1. Pingback: Primary Turnout Challenge | Progressive Fix

  2. AnnaB

    As voters, it’s up to us to research the candidates fully. Our choices should be made based on what we feel is important for our own communities. Endorsements from celebrities like Sarah Palin should have no influence on our decisions. More often than not endorsements are made for self-serving reasons. Ms. Palin has shown no core values consistency , whatsoever. On top of that she is pushing her curious agenda in states that she has nothing to do with and with no knowledge of local issues. I’m just sick of it .

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