Chris Has a Beating Heart–Week 5

Chris’ heart is now pumping blood.  All four chambers are working.  The umbilical cord forms as a lifeline for the baby in the “space” of the womb.  The lungs start to appear along with the brain.  Arm and leg buds start to appear, too.  Soon Chris will be doing somersaults and back flips in the spacious world of the womb.

Mom is also undergoing some major changes.  She is probably tired and may experience morning sickness as her body adjusts to a baby.

“It was you who created my inmost self, and put me together in my mother’s womb, for all these mysteries I thank you.”  Psalm 139:13

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Filed under adoption, anti-abortion, catholic, Georgia Right to Life, Parenting, personhood, Pregnancy, Sanctity of Life

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