Tag Archives: lobbying

Watch, Call, Pray, and Act: GRTL on ABC World News Tonight at 7 PM


Tonight at 7PM on the ABC World News Tonight on the ABC World News, Diane Sawyer is expected to cover a local story about the Atlanta billboard campaign, “Black Children are an Endangered Species”, sponsored by Georgia Right to Life and the Radiance Foundation. The featured story is going to be a part of the Friday night news on ABC at 7 PM Eastern. We encourage everyone to tune in to the program and see what is happening in Georgia. http://abcnews.go.com/WN


Call CBS Outdoors and Thank Them. While there have been some attacks on the Black Children are an Endangered Species ad, we want as many people as possible to either email or call and thank CBS Outdoors for allowing Georgia Right to Life and the Radiance Foundation to express their first amendment rights. You can email CBS Outdoors at info@cbsoutdoor.com or call 1-800-926-8834.

A sample email could be:

Dear CBS Outdoors,

I wanted to thank you for allowing the Atlanta Billboard campaign Black Children are an Endangered Species to express their first amendment rights in displaying this billboard. Thank you for being a company that cares about continuing to allow the citizens of Georgia to have a voice through advertising.


Mr. and Mrs. Smith

 Pray on February 24th and Keep Praying

We are asking all churches in Georgia to join us and the pro-life members of the Georgia Legislature on this Wednesday, February 24, 2010 to pray for HB 1155 The Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act and to ask God to intervene in the state of Georgia in ending the racist strongholds that surround the abortion industry.

Also be praying for every member of the black caucus and the judicial non-civil committee for God to bring them to a place of surrender and for each one of them to see children as a blessing.

For more information about the day of fasting and prayer, click here .

Join the Atlanta 40 Days for Life Campaign February 17th thru March 28th by praying in front of the Feminist Women’s Health Clinic in Atlanta. Click Here to Sign up to pray at the clinic. They especially need people praying on Friday’s and Saturday’s in front of the clinic.


Prayer is action, but we want to give you the opportunity to activate your prayers by attending a Pro-Life lobbyist training sponsored by Georgia Right to Life on March 4th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. If you are interested in attending the lobbyist training, please call 770-339-6880 for all the details. Space is Limited. More details to Follow.

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Filed under 40 days for life, abortion, African American, Family, Feminist, georgia, Georgia Right to Life, healthcare, personhood, planned parenthood, prayer, Pregnancy, pro-choice, Quality of Life, Rape, Sanctity of Life, Tim Tebow, Uncategorized